
Over 13,000 telephone line installation services ordered through E-government portal

One of the electronic services provided on the E-government portal by the Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies (MTCHT), gives users the opportunity to have a new telephone line installed in their home or office without wasting time to go to the appropriate organization.
The service is currently active for Baku city (coverage area of Baku Telephone Communications LLC). By filling out an online application form on the portal E-government and  making online payment citizens can order a phone installation service and even choose any of the available numbers in the number base within a few minutes. The telephone line is installed in the apartment within three days after the acceptance of the order.

It should be noted that up to now the service “New telephone line installation” was used 13,637 times through the E-government portal.

To use the service, one of the four following documents is required.
- Deed to the house (deed of ownership)
- Executive order
- Warrant for living accommodation
- Contract.

At the same time, it is also possible to carry out the “Transfer of ownership of telephone” in an electronic form. Note that in order to use both services you need to register on the portal. To date, the service was used 8 765 times.

In order to use the service, you are required to have one of the following four documents of the family members.
- Birth certificate
- Death certificate
- Marriage certificate
-  Residence certificate.

A title deed is required from the new user.
Application procedure is very simple. To do this, you must  log on to the system and indicate   that the  telephone is transferred to the name of one of family members or to a  new user. Then enter the telephone number and contact number of telephone that you are going to transfer the ownership.  After that you need to download the scanned form of one of the above-mentioned  documents and click on the “Next” button.
Note that, when using the services either “New telephone installation” or “Transfer of ownership” information on connected services and their subscription fees are displayed on the screen. You can select any service or deactivate it, as well as leave long distance and international access codes open or blocked.
Moreover,  by using  services available on the portal E-government of the MTCHT, you can benefit from services   such as  “Surrender of telephone” (used 1944 times), “Connection of telephone to  services” (used 12 129 times), “Detail information on  telephone” (used  16 439 times), “Search by telephone number”  (used  2,720,797 times )  etc.